New Leadership


New Leadership

Chameleon leader?

Whereas yesterday managers were expected to “lead the way” and maintaining control, today's demand is for a coach who guides and motivates employees directionally – a leader who communicates purpose and vision.

Getting the chameleon moving

Complex tasks, quick decisions, dealing with "failure" – these challenges can only be mastered in teams that act independently. An often outdated understanding of leadership fails to be effective at this point. The management culture of many companies provides few concepts for this form of effective team leadership.

We help prepare leaders to actively participate in shaping these developments.

Our solutions

Coaching Program

Potential Analysis & Leadership Assessment

Our specially trained diagnostics experts with years of coaching experience turn their attention to your questions, providing you with fresh impulses and numerous examples from other experiences with other companies to help you reach your goal.


Effectively empower hybrid teams

How do you enable teams with a specific task (e.g. second operating system or innovation team) to thrive in the hybrid work environment? Gain the essential tools you need in just 2 days.

Coaching Program

Wrap-up: motive-oriented leadership, elemination of time wasters

How can you, as a leader, effectively leverage your skills and outward impact to lead your teams successfully? Discover in our New Leadership Program how to achieve this, along with tips on eliminating your daily "time-wasters."

Max Görner, Executive Director

Sustainable corporate success is always the result of a management attitude that fits the strategy.

Max Görner, Executive Director

The advantages at a glance


Making mindset measurable

Often dismissed as insignificant for company success, "soft factors" quickly fade into the background. We make your employees' mindset measurable, changes tangible, and catapult this factor back into the spotlight with you.

Receive tailor-made measures

In which direction should the mindset of your employees develop? Receive concrete measures that contribute to the strategy and thereby to your company's success.

Penetrate the entire organization

“Half-baked” solutions obstruct effective change because they often only combat symptoms instead of tackling the causes. We take a look into the “engine room” of your organization with you and remove mindset barriers where they truly originate.

Excellent consultants


Recognized by WirtschaftsWoche as part of the Best of Consulting Awards 2023 in the categories of Organization and Digital Transformation.

We strive to give our best for you too – together, we are steering your company towards a successful future.


What can we do for you?